Scope of Concept: The fundamental strategy is to get an individual thinking positive about self and life before he or she even becomes isolated, depressed or have suicidal ideations; the earlier the better.
Rationale: I believe it’s important to reinforce and/or try setting the essential groundwork for a happier life, i.e., a positive attitude and outlook on life. I also believe, that the individual is the real genesis of hope, i.e., situation acceptance and adaptability.
Hence, the greater a person’s positive and stable mindset is, the better prepared he or she is to avoid amplifying any physical and/or mental misery to the point of triggering suicidal ideation, or worse, self-ending their life. In achieving a more positive and stable mindset early on in military personnel, aids in developing his or her self-power to endure, and not give in to life’s daunting challenges, which could lead to depression, isolation and finally suicide. This especially holds true to those leaving military service, i.e., becoming a Veteran.
In essence, the Prevail cards, through passive-repetition messaging, i.e., the act of playing cards itself, offers the means to make a positive change in one’s life. I relate to and see this process as friendly brain-washing by osmosis, or the gradual or unconscious assimilation of positive thoughts and ideas, coupled with encouraging dialog with and among other players.
I envision individuals playing with the Prevail card deck alone, or in a group, thinking about and/or discussing the meaning of the thought provoking message embedded on each card. And might, just might, cause the player(s) to alter his or her outlook on life and adapt to their current situation in a more favorable way; specifically, away from suicidal thoughts and actions.
Therefore, I reasoned that the right text, little by little, slowly but surely, should convey over time, the “ways and means” mental-ammo for building and achieving a more acceptable and happier life. Each card game, from solitaire, hearts, to poker, becomes a passive better-life lesson, a brain-washing session if you will. One life changing thought could save one’s life!
I am not a psychologist, but strongly feel this approach is on target, as it enforces the already positive state of mind, but also helps convert and strengthen the less positive mindsets. One might say not everyone plays cards, and a Veteran pondering suicide is beyond approach, but I feel otherwise. All it takes is a spark of HOPE to ignite a new outlook on life, reverse suicidal ideation and renew lost HOPE. The Prevail suicide prevention card deck can provide that spark of life worth living!