One Veteran Suicide is One Too Many!
Every three days, an Alabama Veteran dies by suicide. In part, this fact became the genesis for the Veteran Force Multiplier (VFM) comprehensive and informative suicide prevention online portal.
You will discover that the VFM portal is unique in that it offers an array of self-intervention, third-party support services, and numerous materials related to suicide prevention – all at your fingertips, in one location for the first time. Aside from urgent assistance hotlines, the VFM portal is also designed to provide fast access to a wide collection of suicide prevention information, videos, reference materials, camaraderie opportunities, faith building, and relevant support services to Veterans and their concerned family members, friends, and coworkers. You will also find that the VFM portal is ideal for those Veterans wanting self-intervene help; seeking a team approach; or just looking for information about suicide to share with someone else. Though designed with Alabama Veterans in mind, in reality the VFM portal can be seen as a national resource for active and reserve military personnel, to include Veterans, and their family members. The general public will also find valuable information about suicide and its prevention. The VFM portal is a dynamic and fluid website, a continual work-in-progress. You can add to the suicide prevention content by sharing your recovery story with others, or recommending a related link, or material to be included. Remember to push the VFM portal forward through your social media contacts and invite your friends to do so. Together we can save the lives of Veterans thinking about suicide.
Semper Fi